Week 3 Blog: The Terminator 2



The film that I chose for my week three blog is Terminator 2: Judgment Day directed by James Cameron. Dialogue can be defined as the things that are said between the characters of the story. Dialogue is an important part of the film because it helps in the development of the characters as well as the story. Sound effects are sounds that are made other than that of speech and music. The most common sound effects are ‘hard’ sound, which include foot steps and doors slamming. Music in movies is played as a source of emotion, but also to set the tone for the scene of the movie.

In the Terminator 2: Judgment Day both dialogue and music is used as an important part of the film. Dialogue is used in this movie between the terminator, John and Sarah Connor. Music in movies helps to enhance the video and also may help in bringing in the audience. It may also help the audience identify what type of genre it is. For instance Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a science-fiction action movie, so that means the type of music played would be indie/classic rock. Some other sound effects found in this movie is the sound of the T-1000 Terminator moving into and out of liquid metal, the quality that makes him virtually indestructible. I believe the sound to be made from some sort of water mixture, which made the sound more realistic. The scene that I chose was the scene where the T-1000 freezes and then turns into liquid metal.

The sound effects used in this film helps the visual effects in the movie stand out. It also makes each scene sound more realistic. The sounds that let you know what type of genre it is, are the sounds made from shootings and also what type of music is played in each scene. For me the sound effects used in this movie help me connect the visual scenes with what was going on in the sound. If a part of the sound effects was removed from this scene, the scene would not give the audience the “real feeling” of something freezing and then melting. had the sound been different it would not have been as believable or realistic.


Picture: http://scifi.about.com/od/trailersandvideos/a/v_1991Termin2.htm

Movie clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3V00vZtppg

Text: Goodykoontz, B.,& Jacobs, C. P. (2014). Film: From watching to seeing (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. This text is a Constellation™ course digital materials (CDM) title.

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